On our website you can find quality items for Ham Radio Operators.
Our goal is to provide solutions which are not on the market, better quality or much cheaper.
We have high quality products like automatic antenna tuners and baluns.
We did arrange a complete new redesign of the control box. Please send us an email. We have stock and are ready to transport JC-4s tuners.
The external outside antenna tuners are the most efficient when you are in need to optimise your antenna to your radio if the S.W.R. is not 1:1.
Transportation are at the normal rates used by TPG post (Dutch transporter PostNL)
DHL, Fedex, UPS all possible on request
The price depends on the weight, country and insurance.
If you order from the webshop: Just add your item in the basket, we will calculate the total order value for you. If you wish to cancel your order, you can do this at any time. We send the products all over the world.
On all our products we provide 12 months warranty on factory faults. (excluding shipping costs)
Stockcorner is a brand name of Ionize-Solutions B.V.
Photo background : Inside of JC-5s tuner 4Kwatt PEP
We have a partnership with ON7FU Ferrite Applications in Belgium since 2017.
ON7FU agreed to customize tuner baluns, exclusively for Stockcorner JC-3s and JC-4s tuners

ON7FU Ferrite Applications becomes RF Guru Ferrite Applications
It is with great excitement that Joeri van Dooren announce that RF Guru has recently taken over the commercial activities of ON7FU Ferrite Applications, a leading provider of premium and effective BALUN and RF isolator products.
RF Guru will continue to produce the same range of products that ON7FU Ferrite Applications is known for, with the same commitment to quality and innovation. Their goal is to maintain and enhance the reputation that ON7FU Ferrite Applications has built over the years and to ensure that our customers receive the same level of service and support that they have come to expect.
At RF Guru, they believe like Casper Stockcorner and Ionize-Solutions B.V. that customer satisfaction is of utmost importance, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that our customers receive the best products and services possible. We all understand the importance of quality, and will maintain the same standards that ON7FU Ferrite Applications has set in terms of product quality and manufacturing processes.
They are confident that with commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, RF Guru will become a leading name in the industry for the ham radio and electronics enthousiast.
baluns from RF Guru. The first batch is ready within the coming days.
Thanks so much to Hugo Cnudde for all his work and sharing the knowledge. He will maintain to be a good friend. Joeri van Dooren is also a great person to travel into the future. Relationships and friends are fantastic to maintain !